All around the world Great Britain is famous for its high quality cars of «luxury» class. However, besides the well-developed automotive industry, England also a great producer of motor technique. It has been started active developing a little over a century ago. This branch of vehicle business overcome all the difficulties, and even successfully showed itself during the world wars.
The English vehicle production is considered to be the most quality in the world. It is famous for nice design and excellent features. Retro motorcycles, cruisers, sport and off-road bikes are not a complete list of English production varieties of models.
British industry of creating two- and three-wheeled technology began to form more than a century ago and bravely endured all the world wars, and moreover showed its best side. That is why this technique is appreciated for its reliability and high quality.
Specialized publications like «The Motor Cycle» and «MOTORCYCLYNG» were actively popularized during the lull periods between wars. This fact again indirectly confirms the power of the British car industry. Motorcycles played an important role at military affairs. This type of transport was actively used by the Royal service in peacetime, and brought a lot of victories in fights.
The history of renowned «AJC» moto brand started after the creating a four-cylinder engine by Flavius Josephus Steven. Company was established in 1899, and in 10 years the motorcycle production has reached the impressive dimensions. In 15 years from the moment of establishment firm released racing motorcycle models (1914). However, the popular group fell as a victim of The Great Depression of 1930-1934.
«Ariel» is a small and rather modest (especially according to the modern standards) company of manufacturing auto and moto technique. Firm started its business way by producing automobiles and later begun to create two-wheeled technique. «Super Sport», «Red Hunter», «HF 4» and «Arrow» models are considered to be the most popular and successful products of «Ariel» brand.
The «BSA» company was found in 1863 in Birmingham. Initially, the company was created as a manufacturer of small arms. Many years later, after more than a half a century, in 1910 «BSA» released its first motorcycle. Then comes the period of active production of military motorcycles for transportation. At the end of the twentieth century company fell into decay, and was finally restored only in 1994, becoming a part of a large «BSA Regal Group» of releasing retro motorcycles.
The «CCM» company started working in 1972 when its founder Alan Clews invented a perfect motorcycle with an engine capacity of 500 cubic meters in his garage. Gradually, the «garage business» turned into the whole company, that become famous and firmly entrenched between other renowned motorcycles manufacturers.
The «Matchless» company of manufacturing sport and serial motorcycles is found by Harry Collier in 1878. It gained much popularity in Europe and the United States, however, unable to withstand the strong competition, company stopped its activity. In 1987, Les Harris tried to revive the company, but all his attempts did not help.
In 1898 James Lansdowne Norton found the «Norton» company of manufacturing chains and elements of the framework. The very first motorcycle model was released in 1902. In 1912 a new, united «Norton Motors» company started creating sport, military and serial motorcycles. Later, having changed several owners, in 1995 the production was stopped and the firm`s activity was terminated. Desperately attempts to revive the brand failed in 1998.
After the Second World War «Vincent» was the only one company of manufacturing «V-Twin» motorcycles. The history of firm development started with the Philippe Vincent`s decision to purchase the «hrd» motorcycle on his father`s money. Later, the «Vincent» brand become an excellent example of dynamic and technical perfection, and moreover broke all previous records. In addition, it presented a new «Vindian» brand to the world. However, in 1955, company went bankrupt and stop its existing.
The «Triumph» company is one of those who managed not only to overcome all the crises of the postwar period, but also to keep its «individuality» and scientific - research complex. The very first motorcycles of this brand appeared in 1902. Due to high quality level and unique design, the «Triumph» brand keeps afloat and still popular among fans of motorcycles.